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Business Insurance

Heightened risk levels and volatility are present in the modern business environment. Workplaces are more susceptible to accidents, injuries, property damage, data breaches, and other incidents that can lead to devastating financial, legal, and operational repercussions.

As a business owner, you should do your due diligence and protect your business assets, employee, and financial resources from out-of-pocket expenses. One of the best ways to do that is by opting for a good business insurance policy.

River East Insurance is an independent insurance company based in Manchester, Connecticut. Since our founding, we have partnered with some of the best insurance carriers to offer tailored business insurance plans for our clients in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and other surrounding states.

Our team of experienced business insurance agents is committed to ensuring your business is adequately protected. Therefore, you can rest assured we have the tools, resources, and connections to find a coverage plan that suits your specific needs and budget.

So, get in touch with River East Insurance right away and let us help ensure business continuity and prosperity.

> Schedule your appointment online

Our Business Insurance Products

River East Insurance has established long-term relationships with some of the best carriers in the market, including Progressive, Attune, and Nationwide. As a result, we offer multiple business insurance products to our clients in Connecticut and other states where we operate, including:

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Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation coverage is mandatory in most US states. It protects employees from lost income and medical expenses following work-related accidents or illnesses. Moreover, it protects employers from lawsuits and other disputes following incidents.

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Business Owners Package (BOP)

A Business Owners Package (BOP) policy combines commercial property and business liability insurance to provide bundled protection against claims from property/vehicle damage, income loss, bodily injury, and more. It’s one of the most popular policies in the market as it allows businesses to cover most of their insurance needs with a single solution.

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General Liability

Most businesses opt for a General Liability insurance policy as a starting solution to cover their essential protection needs. GCL policies are designed to protect against property damage and personal/advertising injuries caused by the company’s products, services, or operations.

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Professional Liability

Professional Liability is rapidly becoming popular due to the rise of negligence lawsuits in recent years. Also known as Errors & Omission coverage, it simply covers the cost of legal representation and settlement against business owners following the court’s verdict.


Commercial Property

Commercial Property insurance is the commercial equivalent of a homeowners policy designed to protect physical facilities, equipment, and other covered items from fires, theft, vandalism, and other threats that result in damages or loss.

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Commercial Auto

If your business uses commercial vehicles for distribution, product deliveries, and other processes/services, you need a commercial auto insurance plan. It will protect you, your employees, and your fleet from the aftermath of accidents and other incidents.

Business Insurance in Connecticut

Compliance with State and Federal Laws

The federal government requires every business with employees to have three essential business insurance plans – Workers’ Compensation, Unemployment, and Disability Insurance. Many states require additional coverage for compliance.

Employee Protection

Business insurance provides employees medical care, missed wages, and final life expenses following work-related injuries or illnesses.


Customer Protection

Depending on your coverage, you can protect your customers from property damage, bodily injury, product liability, and advertising injury following their purchases.

Enhanced Reputation & Credibility

A solid business insurance coverage plan can do more than protect your business from financial and legal damages. It also shows that you’re a responsible owner looking to take all the necessary steps to provide maximum protection for employees, which can enhance your reputation and credibility.


Improved Hiring and Retention

Modern employees want more than a good paycheck. They also demand a secure work environment with contingencies in place for accidents and injuries. Hence, the right business insurance plan can be a useful tool to attract and retain talent.

Disaster Protection

Business insurance can protect your assets and facility from damage in the events of floods, fires, hurricanes, vandalism, and other natural disasters and incidents.

Protect Your Business and Employees Now!

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking for a new coverage policy, we can help you find the best business insurance plans for your needs and budget.


So, call (860) 615-9980 and schedule an appointment with one of our experienced agents and let us do what we do best.


Why Choose River East Insurance

Industry Leader

River East Insurance is one of the leading independent insurance companies based in Manchester, Connecticut. Since our founding, we have established a solid reputation in Connecticut and surrounding states for providing highly cost-effective insurance plans from the best carriers in the market.

Highly Capable Agents

Our team of licensed insurance agents has the expertise, skills, and resources to help clients find the best plans according to their needs and budgets. Moreover, we’ve established a continuous learning and transformative culture. It prompts us to stay aware of the latest insurance trends, coverages, and industry practices.

Wide Carrier Network

As an independent insurance agency, we strive to work with the best insurance companies offering superior products, quick processes, and excellent customer service. See our extensive list of insurance providers.

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